Saturday, August 27, 2011

Me a teacher? Wait, me a blogger???

When family and friends learned I wanted to be a teacher they went "WHAT? Seriously?"

Some background info... I went to Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University and studied Aviation Business. Later on I got another bachelors in Professional Aeronautics. My work experience: Airlines! From administrative work, marketing, recruiting pilots and flight attendants, to being a flight attendant and training. Umm, what does this have to do with being a teacher? Zip, zilch, zero, nada!

After giving birth to my son it became apparent that going back to being a flight attendant was not an option. How could I leave my son for days and days? Nope, couldn't do it. Yes, I had some little jobs here and there but nothing major. Then hard times starting coming. My son was diagnosed at 22 months old with Pervasive Developmental Disorder - Not Otherwise Specified. It was tough, and over a year later it still is. Thankfully he is very high functional and we have been working hard at getting him as much help as we can provide.

So what does a parent do that just finds out about their son having some difficulties in various areas? Yup, study and research. I became an internet junkie. Day and night, reading, searching, asking questions. This led to me helping other parents with similar situations and guiding them so they didn't have to go thru as much trouble as I did. Then it clicked. I have so many college credits, I love children, and I love helping others. I can be a Teacher!!

At first it wasn't easy. Doors shut every where cause my education scared them and didn't know what to say to me. Finally found a school where I was called to be an English teacher (I live in Puerto Rico right now where it's a second language and comes really handy to have English native speaking, writing, and reading skills). Not only was I finally going to be a teacher, but I was going to be a teacher at my son's school and also teach some special needs children. How cool was that?!?!

And the journey begins. Here I am, a teacher and a newbie blogger. It's been less than a month and the biggest thing I have learned already from my students is: Who's supposed to be the teacher, them or me? Cause every day I learn more and more from my students about them, life, and myself.

Welcome to this blog and follow me as I begin this new journey.

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